(Reference to Senate engrossed bill)
Page 2, line 8, after "plan" insert "based on the adjudicated claim"
Line 44, after "A" insert "and any services related to the emergency provided during an inpatient admission to any health care facility"
Page 3, line 32, after "provider" insert "or the provider's representative"
Page 4, line 9, after the period insert "As part of the teleconference the health insurer shall provide to the parties the enrollee's cost sharing requirements under the enrollee's health plan based on the adjudicated claim as of the date of the teleconference."
Line 11, after "provider" insert "or the provider's representative"
Line 24, strike the comma insert ":
Line 26, after "sharing" insert "requirements"
Line 27, strike "and any amount received" insert "as determined in the teleconference.
2. The enrollee shall pay to the health care provider the lesser of one thousand dollars or the remaining amount of the enrollee's cost sharing requirements for the appropriate plan year.
3. The enrollee shall pay any amount that has been received by the enrollee"
Between lines 29 and 30, insert:
"4. If a health insurer pays for out‑of‑network services directly to a health care provider, the health insurer that has not remitted its payment for the out‑of‑network services shall remit the amount due to the health care provider."
Page 5, line 21, after "a" insert "final"
Strike lines 25 through 28
Reletter to conform
Page 5, line 40, after "requirements" insert "and any amount received by the enrollee from the enrollee's health insurer as payment for the out‑of‑network services that were provided by the health care provider"
Amend title to conform